Organisations, like sports teams, need specialist players to take the field. In order to win games, every team needs people who put more points on the board than their opponent. If you’re in sales, that’s what you love about being part of an integrated, well functioning, team. Your wins are the company’s wins.

Marketing and Sales alignment is a jointly pursued state of shared objectives, priorities, strategic and tactical operations, processes, success metric, and resources between marketing and sales. As shared priorities constitute one of the fundamental terms of marketing and sales alignment, “service to the buyer” is often one of the strongest rallying points for the two business units.

The revenue generation game requires that buyers’ attention, time and trust must, to some degree, be in the sales possessions and its marketing role– keep buyers out of the competition’s hand and manage the game to set sales to score.

Marketing leaders greatly benefit from refining their understanding of sales, and sales leaders who strengthen their understanding of , and alignment with marketing, improve overall performance.

Best in class marketers succeed because of effective content marketing practices or is content marketing only effective in a best in class environment?

80% of all best in class organisations reported in a survey that content marketing is either pragmatically practised or practised with sophistication, these top performers are also among-st the most competent content marketers.

These companies apply a very systematic approach to content marketing. The content that these organisations source, create and distribute aligns with clear measurable goals and serves defined purposes for business. They don’t simply pump out content assets and leave things up-to chance. They also refrain from investing in content creation simply for the sake of feeding the beast

Their goal instead is ensuring that content is aligned to both buyer needs and, more importantly, aligned to stages of the sales funnel.

Marketers with a goal aligned content enjoy a 48% higher conversion rate. When it comes to turning unknown suspects into raw leads. While such a performance advantage is not insignificant, it’s interesting to note that 48%

Top marketers focus their content efforts around 3 key parameters:

  1. Buyer needs: They key questions, interests, pain points, or preferences that make content relevant.
  2. Business goals: The desired action the content must drive.
  3. Best medium for the message: The alignment of the most effective buyer needs and business goals.

Content marketing is complicated, but top content marketers are effective because they adopt a rigorous and sophisticated approach to content strategy, development and execution.

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